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Say Goodbye to Facial Veins

Many people experience the emergence of facial veins, red and blue. Red facial veins often appear as a red spidery web, resulting in the name Spider Veins. These veins are dilated and broken blood vessels resulting from the sun/heat, age, genetics, and many other factors. In addition, blue veins are frequently found around the eyes and forehead. Depending on your specific needs, we use multiple modalities including lasers to eliminate facial veins. Treatment around the eyes is always done in the safest way possible to protect the eye region. At CMA we have the expertise to treat red and blue veins precisely and effectively!

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Treatments Offered

Laser Hair Removal Chest Rejuvenation


Feeling self-conscious about a skin condition? The innovative Nordlys system was created to address some of the world’s most common skin concerns.

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The Vbeam® system treats redness, acne, wrinkles, and sun spots on the face and chest, by delivering targeted laser therapy.

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GentleMax Pro

Also known as Alexandrite laser, the GentleLase has high-energy and a long pulse making this an ideal choice for darker pigmentation issues that have a brown or purple hue.

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Before & After Photos
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