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Get your Summer Body in Shape CoolSculpting Event

Thursday, April 11th 2024 • 9am – 12pm

CoolSculpting remains the optimal solution for eliminating pesky pockets of unwanted fat, including bra fat, muffin tops, and arm or abdominal pooches. At CMA, we specialize in tailoring our approach to each patient’s unique needs, ensuring personalized care and maximum effectiveness. Come find out more!

Join us on April 11th for a morning of education and be the first 15 to RSVP and attend to receive 20 complimentary units of Botox*!

*Must RSVP for a consultation and be a candidate for CoolSculpting. New inquires only.

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body sculpting Jacksonville, FL

How is it used? What does it feel like?

The CoolSculpting® Elite System is a prescription use only device and may only be used by or on the order of a physician. Your practitioner will discuss your individual treatment plan and will select the appropriate applicator for your needs. Some applicators use vacuum and others do not. During your treatment, a gel or gelpad and applicator are applied to the targeted area. Applicators that use vacuum will draw the tissue into the applicator cup. You may feel deep pulling, tugging, and mild pinching. With a non-vacuum surface applicator, you may experience sensations of pressure. Controlled cooling is then delivered to the targeted fat so you may feel intense cold, stinging, tingling, aching or cramping as the treatment begins but these sensations typically subside as the area becomes numb. In some cases, you may feel pulsatile massage. Upon removal of the applicator, you may see a frozen bulge at the treatment area (known as a “butterstick”). The physician may apply manual massage to rewarm and smooth out the treated area.

What will it accomplish?

For most patients, the CoolSculpting® Elite procedure reduces the appearance of a visible fat bulge in the treatment area.

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Proven Results
body contouring Jacksonville, FL
body contouring Jacksonville, FL
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body contouring Jacksonville, FL
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best body sculpting Jacksonville